by Monica A.
We all have to admit, amidst the defensive struggle that was the 2019 Super Bowl, the commercials also kept us on our feet. The cameos from Cardi B, Steve Carell, Harrison Ford, The Backstreet Boys, and so many more had us laughing. However today, I’d like to discuss 3 commercials that really stood out to me.
1. Bumble
Many of you know bumble through its online dating service. However, Bumble really made its mark on the Super Bowl Commercials list for the public introduction of its variety of tools, while using Serena Williams as an inspirational voice to women (and men) everywhere. It was clear that this message was aimed at women however EVERYONE had something to learn from it. Williams begins by telling a little girl we pan back and forth from that she shouldn’t wait to chase her dreams. Because if she (Serena) would have waiting to pick up a racket, no one ever would have told her she had the choice. And this is also how she segways into explains that in love, life and business we already have the power and no one will tell us. We have to figure it out and take control ourselves. Honestly such a beautiful message.
2. Microsoft/Xbox
This commercial brought me to tears on my sofa. We being by panning through the homes of various children who have physical disabilities. They all explain their situations, and they all LOVE video games. Some of the parents explain how video games have made it possible for their children to create and build relationships that they likely would struggle to build without. And then both the children and parents explain how Microsoft’s newest game pad, aimed specifically at creating the best gaming experience possible for the physically disabled, has changed their children’s gaming experience. It is the purity and reality of the joy that these children exhibit that really makes this whole commercial hit home.
3. Budweiser
Everyone knows, without a doubt, that Budweiser Clydesdale commercial, it isn’t really eve a Super Bowl. This year, Budweiser took a step for the environment in a big BIG way. They announced that nearly all of their domestic brew-houses were transitioned into using wind turbines to power the plants. This major companies transition to renewable energy poses a huge threat not only to other Beer companies, but a lot of the current industrial size companies. Budweiser is setting the bar high in expectations for those who follow suit. Because as we have seen recently our government seems to have a lack of concern with the situation surrounding our human made global warming and climate change. It is accelerating down a dark path that doesn’t lead anywhere good. But if other companies follow in Budweiser’s steps, it may not be long before real change can be made.
These are only a handful of the great commercials shown during the amazing game between the Patriots and the Rams! Which commercial was your favorite? Let me know in the comments!