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Getting Into Meditation

by Serena H. Focus. Breathe in, 2, 3, 4. Hold, 2, 3, 4. Out, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Meditation is a practice that has a long history and has been...

Treat Yo Relationships

by Monica A. Another Valentines day has come and gone, and with it, a lot of peoples' only interactions being with their loved ones in a...

Sticking to a New Year's Resolution

by Serena H. Did you decide on a New Year’s resolution and are already struggling to keep up with it? You can’t be the only one. There’s...

Tips to Beat the Holiday Blues

by Nicole F. Ah the Christmas season, the most wonderful time of the year. Minus all of the depression. While the Christmas season is...

Know Your Body Part 2

by Monica A. So today I am coming at you with Know Your Body Part 2! We are going to look over 5 types of headaches and how to best help...

Know Your Body Part 1

a series by Monica A. Dear Viewers, Let’s talk about how your body communicates. Your body will try giving you lots of signs for lots of...

Significant Other Shopping List

by Serena H. Being single isn’t always easy. Finding a significant other (SO) can also be difficlut but, knowing what you want makes it...

Solo Dating 101

by Nyjah J. Most people can vividly remember their first crush. Mine was in kindergarten and I thought he was amazing. Looking back on...

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