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The Executive Order

by Serena H. A wall, a fence, maybe a doggy door. The border wall between the US and Mexico has been a big platform point throughout...

What it Takes to be an American Citizen

by Nicole F. With the possibility of the government shutting down once again in February the issue of immigration is at the forefront of...

Who's Paying for the Wall?

by Serena H. In one way or another, most individuals have heard of the Wall. The Wall is meant to be built on the US border with Mexico...

Midterm Results

by Monica A. When the midterm fire reached a pitch, it was clear what needed to happen. From the election of Brett Kavanaugh to the...

The Ariana and Mac Issue

by Serena H. There’s a lot of attention on Ariana Grande right now. Specifically, how Mac Miller’s death has impacted her and others....


by Monica A. Trump has boasted since his administration won the 2016 election that his team will not take “no” for an answer. But this...

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