by Monica A.

Icon, fashion leader, artist, actor, singer, songwriter, activist. All of these things describe Demi Lovato. But so does one more word, "addict." It feels strong in your mouth, say it out loud. Addict. Such an awful connotation, such a clouded subject. Yet in an area of culture shrouded by taboo, Demi has never been shy about her issues. Her first major issue with heroin was enacted in her Disney days, and cost her the contract she had with Disney. And yet the pop culture queen came swinging back into the spotlight with the release of her hit song Skyscraper. In 2011, she sang her song, Sober, for the first time during a concert. She continued to be an activist for mental health from before all of this even happened. She stayed clean for six, long, tumultuous years. She has used her story to inspire others, even releasing a movie to help others get an even more bare naked look into her personal struggle.
And now, six years later, she is hospitalized again. Fair weather fans have flown the nest. But those of us who truly support Demi are here for the long haul. Addiction is whatever you believe it to be. However, no matter how you look at addiction, no one in pop culture has ever been as open about it as Demi has been. This kind of openness is what we love about her. We love her activeness in the LGBTQ+ community, marches for life and equality. We love her support of what feels like each individual and their own personal struggle. She has been our biggest supporter though it all. Now it is time we support her. Demi, you may never read this, but know, all of the Creme de la Fem team supports you.