by Monica A.
TikTok (formerly known as musical.ly) is a social media platform that gets a lot of hate for its Vine area rips offs. But after the disappearance of Vine (rip) and all of my likes videos along with it, I needed to find something new. After a rather convincing add on Facebook I decided to give TikTok a try. And after being on the platform for nearly 6 months now, I feel comfortable going over why I think it should be a more popular social platform.
As I have gone over, Vine is dead. The unfortunate truth of the situation is that it may never come back either. Vine co-founder Colin Kroll was found dead on his New York home this week, and this poses a huge issue for the creation or refoundation of Vine2. But, there is an app that can help fill the position Vine used to have in your heart.
TikTok works well because creators are not forced to create content that already exists. Contrary to popular belief, while TikTok is advertised as a video voice over app, creators can create content with original audio as well. But even those who use pre-made audio from other videos, produce content that is different enough that is really does come into separate videos of their own. Take the trending sound example of “Rapture Rising”. This sound byte is a very dark, heavy metal sounding band likely opening a song, to which the bridge is “obey” repeated after sudden and abrupt guitar and drum riffs. (Hard to imagine without hearing so I may add links in the bottom). Because there is a massive influx of cosplayers on TikTok, this became a popular sound for a lot of them. However there are Vine related sound bytes that can help you relive your Vine days while also getting to participate in them. There are also makeup tutorial pages, musical pages with original sounds, cooking, gaming, and really anything (SFW) you can think of.
Really, the only bad thing I have to say about TikTok is the same “bad thing” that can be said about Vine. It seems like all the top creators are force fed through your timeline, and it’s really hard to get on the “for you” page. As social media platforms in general, I think TikTok should be more open and inclusive to all creators and content. Which it does a good job of not banning good content (a glitch Vine never got control of, videos were flagged and deleted constantly) just because it may get flagged. The TikTok team is responsive and reliable. And I know this part was supposed to be what is bad about TikTok but honestly, there is not much bad about it. If you haven’t yet, I really think you should give TikTok a try, because it is a pop culture phenomenon that helps you re-live some good memories and even create new ones of your own.