by Monica A.
Another Valentines day has come and gone, and with it, a lot of peoples' only interactions being with their loved ones in a romantic sense. However, I think one thing the technological age has stripped us all of is our ability to surprise one another with love on days that ares celebrated nationally or internationally. We wait for days like Christmas and Valentine's day to surprise our S/O’s with flowers and gifts, or even bigger surprises like engagements and baby announcements. However, I think we should do little and big things on other days to surprise our lover(s). Here's a few ideas for every type of relationship.
If you and your bestie don’t already celebrate some type of friendship day, set one. Not on a normal holiday (unless you already use National Friend's Day) and make it a day all about each other. Maybe buy them a book from a series you know they're reading, clean a room in their house for them, do a hated chore, create a spa day at home. Even compounding small things to make one big surprise can be a nice way to surprise this loved one.
Dating is often a time for social media one-ups, and attempts to flaunt your relationship in one way or another, so pick a day that is special, because on Valentines day everyone will post their cute date photos and yours will just get lost in the stream. Pick an unusual day and everyone will only see your cute date and you can really show your BF or GF some surprise act of love. This doesn’t even have to be something crazy. Make a bubble bath for your partner when they get home, set up a fancy looking dinner in the dining room, the list for this one can really go on and on.
Marriage is rough. No one ever said it would always be butterflies and unicorns, so try making the best out of it on a day you aren’t “obligated” to. This will seem like a huge sign to your s/o that the love is still there. This is another good place to take on that hated home chore, find a sitter for the kids and have a date in OR out, or even pick up a massive bouquet of flowers and write a love letter.
Poly Relations
Choosing to be in a poly relationship can be really rough on one or more people involved at any given time. Listen to the subtle hints to find out when certain s/o’s need more attention than others. If your poly relationship is super open, go on a mass date, have a game night (even make it a drinking game/kinky game). If the poly relationship is still rather separate, find days to make each person feel like the center of your universe, using any of the examples given, spa days, bubble baths and brunch even!
Sometimes only you can be your best lover. So don’t be afraid to treat yourself. Don’t sulk on V-day. Take yourself out on a date, maybe find a good conversation at a bar. Don’t forget, you can (AND SHOULD) do this more often than just one day a year. Block out days to give yourself a spa day, buy yourself a good movie, or even a new (adult or not) toy. Remind yourself that you don’t NEED another person in order to be loved and being single on Valentine's Day isn't that bad.
Remember, Valentine’s Day is once a year, but as a human, you feel love year round, so you deserve to BE loved year round. Don’t confine yourself and your loved ones to one day a year!